Preorder of “ermitage” 12″ starts now

Hey punx,

finally after six months of heavy procrastinating (mainly on our part), we proudly announce the release of our debut 12” ‘ermitage’ on 1st October 2017. With the help of our magnificent friends in Koepfen, Sunsetter Records & zilpzalp records we printed a bunch of yellow (150 pieces) and good ol’ black (150 pieces) vinyls. The lovely artwork is done by our dear friend Navina (tintentrotz).
Every order via our bandshop comes with a free poster. We’ll try to throw in a little surprise for the first 30 orders aswell.

Also, we will bring some records with us for a small run in October, although there are still some gaps we desperately need to fill. So if there is anyone out there willing to welcome our 4 beautiful bodies, we would be more than grateful:

25.10. – between Hamburg and Mannheim
26.10. – MANNHEIM (booked)
27.10. – between Mannheim and Dresden
28.10. – DRESDEN (booked)
29.10. – not too far from Hamburg (matinée show)

love always